ANNOUNCING...Book Release

Woohoo! Today I'm announcing the date of the second Meridienne Drake Series. It is called Attaining the Truth and will be released on August 18, 2012. Below is a widget for you to grab and display.

If anyone is interested in doing a feature, review, giveaway, or anything for this book. Please, please let me know in the comments or emailing me at

Also, I will add this to the giveaway for those who will put the widget on their blogs. :o)

Lots of <3,

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I can't wait to read it! It's times like these that I wish I had a blog or a website. I got anxiety from starting a Google account just now, so I think I'll just ease into that pool of annoyance one toe at a time.

    Also a very belated congratulations on your award, and happy Birthday! I hope it was awesome.
